Izvedite, kako uporabljati povezljivost Bluetooth® z mobilnim telefonom in raziščite funkcije, zaradi katerih boste med vožnjo še bolj povezani.


Kaj je tehnologija Bluetooth®?
Za kaj lahko uporabljam povezljivost Jaguar Bluetooth®?
Je moj mobilni telefon kompatibilen?
Kako se povežem s tehnologijo Bluetooth®?
Do I need specific software on my mobile phone to connect via Bluetooth
Is the phone or the software tested by Jaguar Engineering for compatibility?
Is any phone model compatible provided it has the required software?
Why is the software important?
Can I update my mobile phone software?
Why are a limited number of phones compatible?
Is it possible my phone will work if it is not on the Jaguar compatible list?
Can numbers in the phonebook be scrolled through using the steering wheel?
What is different about the Jaguar aftersales Bluetooth® accessory functionality?
Where is the docking station or cradle in the car for the phone (if fitted)?
Will the phone charge if connected to the cradle?
Can the phone still operate when charging?
How can I charge my Bluetooth® phone in car?
Will my mobile phone connect to Bluetooth® if it’s in my pocket or bag?
How do I know when a cradle phone is correctly connected to the car (when fitted)?
How do I know when a Bluetooth® phone is connected to the car?
Does the phone need to be switched on to work?
How do I pair my Bluetooth®-compatible mobile phone to my Jaguar?
How many Bluetooth® phones can be paired to a car at any time?
Can I connect a phone in the cradle whilst connected via Bluetooth® (when fitted)?
Once the phone is paired, what do I have to do each time to make the phone work in the car?
If a Bluetooth® phone battery gets low or Bluetooth® is turned off will the pairing be lost?

Pri opremi InControl so določene opisane funkcije lahko del dodatne opreme ter odvisne od tržišča in pogonskega sklopa. Prosimo, da se posvetujete s prodajalcem vozil Jaguar in se pozanimate o pogojih, ki veljajo v vaši državi. Nekatere funkcije so pogojene s sklenitvijo pogodbe za prenos podatkov in primerno kartico SIM, katere obveznosti se bodo nadaljevale tudi po obdobju, ki vam ga bo svetoval prodajalec. Signala za mobilno omrežje ni mogoče zagotoviti povsod.